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Atiku Abubakar Criticizes Bola Tinubu's First Year in Office: 'Nigeria Is Not Working'
29 May
by Elara Moodley 0 Comments

Atiku Abubakar Criticizes Bola Tinubu's First Year in Office: 'Nigeria Is Not Working'

It's been a year since Bola Tinubu assumed the presidency of Nigeria, and the responses to his tenure have been mixed. Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar has notably taken a critical stance, asserting that the country is worse off in terms of economic stability and overall well-being of its citizens. Through various public statements, Atiku has openly criticized Tinubu's economic policies and the resulting impact on Nigeria's macroeconomic stability.

Economic Policies Under Scrutiny

Atiku Abubakar did not mince words as he highlighted what he views as significant failings of the current administration. According to him, the economic policies put forth by President Tinubu have done more harm than good, creating an unfriendly environment for businesses and amplifying the misery of the poorest citizens. He specifically pointed out issues such as increasing joblessness and widening poverty as indicators of the administration's failure to deliver on its promises.

The former Vice President noted that, despite Tinubu's pledge to transform the Nigerian economy and alleviate widespread misery, not much has changed. Instead, Atiku argued, the policies enacted have pauperized the already struggling poor and deterred foreign investments, leading to greater economic instability.

Suggestions for Improvement

Atiku did not stop at criticism; he also extended a list of six actionable suggestions intended to rectify the country's economic challenges. Among these, he called for a pause and thorough reflection on the reforms that have been undertaken thus far. He stressed the importance of revisiting the strategies to ensure they are effectively aligned with the nation's broader economic goals.

Another crucial recommendation was the review of the 2024 budget. Atiku believes that an in-depth examination of the budget could identify flaws and areas that need reworking to better serve the country's long-term interests. A comprehensive evaluation of the Social Investment Programme was also on his list, aimed at ensuring that the program is genuinely effective in supporting vulnerable households.

Essential Fiscal Measures

In the realm of fiscal policy, Atiku suggested urgent measures to address the ever-increasing prices of essential commodities. In his view, immediate fiscal interventions would offer some relief to households already struggling under the weight of high living costs. He further stressed the need for clarity and transparency in the fuel subsidy regime, which has been a contentious issue for years.

By advocating for these changes, Atiku emphasized that it's not too late for President Tinubu and his administration to alter course and implement policies that genuinely benefit the whole of Nigeria. His call for reform aims to create a more stable and prosperous environment, one that attracts foreign investments instead of repelling them.

Final Thoughts

Atiku's frank and detailed critique of Tinubu's first year in office highlights significant concerns that cannot be ignored. His suggestions offer a roadmap for potential improvement and provide a critical lens through which to view current and future policies. Whether the administration will heed these recommendations remains to be seen, but the conversation sparked by Atiku's comments is essential for moving forward.

As Nigeria marches on under President Tinubu's leadership, the scrutiny from leaders like Atiku Abubakar ensures that public discourse remains vibrant and that the administration is held accountable. It is through such rigorous examination and constructive criticism that policies can be refined and improved, ultimately leading to a more prosperous nation.

Elara Moodley

Elara Moodley

I am a seasoned journalist based in Durban, specializing in daily news coverage. My passion is to shed light on local news events and global trends. I strive to bring unbiased and factual reporting to my readers. Each story I write is crafted with meticulous attention to detail to ensure clarity and impact. Journalism is not just my job; it's a way to connect with the world.

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